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Hey bubs,

Do you wish you had an Astrological GPS that would guide + and validate you while you heal yourself, your relationships, and manifest your dream life?

I got you covered in the Cosmic Co-Creatrix!

Imagine what you could create in your life if you had a personal Astrologer to help you uncover + embody your innate magic through your birth chart every single day

Imagine if you were able to use your birth chart to manifest flow, fulfillment, and play in your life

I created this membership so we can co-create together using the cosmic energies in the sky! I'm always using Astrology to guide my life, break free from old patterns, hold my hand as I take leaps into the unknown, and manifest big things and I want to share the Magic with YOU so we can do it together!

Join for only $5!

Think of it like your cosmic coffee that gives you the clarity and insight you need to co-create with the universe and fast-track your healing.

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What it will include:

  • Energy/Astrology forecast each week & tools for how to apply it to your life and specific chart
  • Resource library where you can learn about each zodiac season and how it applies to your chart
  • Discounts on all birth chart readings as long as you are in the membership
  • Discounted rates for all LIVE workshops Rachel hosts and access to select previous workshops for FREE
  • Telegram Community with your Astro besties

Join for only $5!

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Using Astrology, you can...

  • Heal your ALL your relationships: Astrology is a blueprint to healing all relationships in your life: money, romantic, friendship, everything!
  • Become aware of self sabotaging behavior and use the cosmic energies to transmute it
  • Unlock your intuition and become more aware, present, and in awe of magic in your daily life 
  • Stop worrying, cultivate self acceptance, and surrender to the flow of the Cosmic Energies
  • Use the cosmic energies to create the best possible outcome for manifestations
  • Understand yourself and others in your life on a much deeper level


How does Astrology help you do this?

Astrology is a map of the current energetic "weather" going on in the sky, and your birth chart is a screen shot of the energies present when you were born. You are a representation of those energies and you have an opportunity to transcend them and reach the highest vibration of your chart every single day. Knowing what the energetic weather is on any given day gives you the power to use it to make massive change in your life. It shows you the energetic map to follow to transcend your short-comings into your super powers.

The Ultimate goal? Align you with your Soul's Mission so you can find ultimate fulfillment, inner-peace, and spread your gifts to humanity.


When Astrology can do more damage than good.... (NOT how we will use it in Cosmic Co-creatrix)

One of the main, most disempowering uses of Astrology I see is people using Astrology and horoscope forecasts as a reason to not evolve or be limited by their birth chart placements. Or, expecting BIG things will happen for them because a horoscope said so only to be severely disappointed! That's because Astrology is not the source of the magic that happens in your life, you are! Astrology is just a map of the energy present and you can either use that energy or not. The choice is yours.

In this community, you will empower yourself with your innate gifts, transcend your limitations into power, and use your free will to co create with the cosmos at the speed of light. 

This is more than Astrological guidance, this is using Astrology as your life coach combined with somatic and mindset tools necessary to actually make shifts on a deep and profound level.

With a magical community to support you and celebrate your wins along the way, the sky is truly the limit (or in this case, the sky is limitless).

Join for only $5!

Are you still on the fence?

Send me a DM on Instagram @Rachel_Varitimos or email me at [email protected].

This is a no-pressure conversation- I will NOT sell you. It is purely to make sure you will get the MOST out of this membership and to answer any questions you have :)

xoxo Rachel

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